Write For Us!

Tech Brazzers is the fastest growing community in technology. Being a community blog, I always encourage upcoming bloggers to contribute an original blog.

Here are our guidelines:

  1. Guest columns usually run about 1000 words.
  2. Make a strong, clear argument supported by examples, details, and/or data.
  3. Avoid long introductions; get straight to the point.
  4. Be sure to include a headline.
  5. Be sure to include an author bio, including details on your background and expertise that make it clear why your opinion on the topic should count to readers.
  6. If you’re not the author, be sure to tell us what organization you work for and spell out your relationship to the author.
  7. Include Images, video or infographics.

How can you become a Tech Brazzers contributor?

To become a regular contributor at Tech Brazzers, here are some tips that will help you to get your article accepted and published:

Head over to the homepage and check out the first few pages to understand what kind of articles we publish here.

Write content that is solely focused on quality and adding value for readers.

 Here are a few of the categories that I accept articles from. Do research on our website and find out what kind of articles do we post:

To get your article published send us the proposal here: publishmyguestpost@gmail.com