Increasingly, we come across before and after photos, where the girls decide on a mini-operation on the “angel kiss” – that is, dimples on their cheeks.

If you are not the owner of dimples on your cheeks, have you ever dreamed of them? We’ve spotted a new trend: Operation Angel Kiss.

Yes, yes, now if nature has not rewarded you with a treasured dimple on your cheek, surgeons from plastic surgery clinics are ready to fix it. This intervention is called dimplectomy. 

How is a dimplectomy performed? 

The dimple is obtained with the help of special threads – non-surgical. The procedure lasts no more than an hour. Interestingly, within 2-3 months after a dimplectomy, dimples will always be visible, and then experts promise that dimples will appear only when you smile. Just like the real one!

As a rule, girls with a round face shape decide on such a procedure, since the dimples visually “thin” the appearance. 

At first, the dimples look unnatural. 

But over time, if you believe the photo on the Internet, you get such a beauty indistinguishable from natural dimples.

After going through different publics, we found out that this procedure is quite affordable. The dimplectomy will cost the customer up to 10 thousand rubles. 

Categorized in:

Beauty, Facial Care,

Last Update: June 4, 2023