The problem of the second chin is familiar even to many slender girls. Fortunately, you can still get rid of it – and at home

It is enough to perform this simple exercise every day, which you can handle without much preparation.

Network users know how to do everything:  make a “magic” shampoo out of a regular one, and draw cheekbones, like Bella Hadid, using the simplest adhesive tape for this. chin.

If this problem is familiar to you firsthand, remember these two simple steps:

  • wrap the tongue between the upper lip and teeth;
  • in this position, slowly turn your head to the right and left.

According to Internet users, just a few minutes of such exercises every day (regularity is the keyword here!) Will help you remove the second chin and achieve chiseled corners of youth. Sharp cheekbones will also automatically appear, so you no longer need to emphasize them with makeup

For those who do not have the patience for daily exercise, today there are many cosmetic procedures. For example, a double chin can be treated with lipolytic injections. The drug injected under the skin begins to break down fat literally before our eyes. However, before such a manipulation, you should think carefully about everything, because sometimes girls fail to achieve the desired effect even with the help of injections. 

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Beauty, Body Care,

Last Update: July 6, 2023