Excel macros offer excellent opportunities to automate work in Excel or to make work easier. An Excel macro consists of one or more actions that you can run as often as you like. 

When creating a macro, Excel records all your mouse clicks and keystrokes. After creating and saving the macro, you can of course also edit it to make minor changes to the macro flow and to add further actions to the macro.


Before you can start recording and editing Excel macros, you must first extend Excel so that macro editing is also enabled in Excel. Since Microsoft assumes that Excel macro editing will not be used by most users, they have relegated the complete Excel macros to the developer menu. However, you can easily display this menu by clicking on Excel

File / Options / Customize Ribbon

clicks There you will find the option in the right column

developer tools

which you only have to activate, as can be seen in the following picture.

After the Excel developer menu is now displayed, you will also find the “Record macro” function there.

As you can see, there is a button there to record an Excel macro. After clicking on “ Record Macro ” the following window will appear.

Here you can now enter the macro data, i.e. first the name of the macro. You can also specify a key combination with which key you want to automatically run the Excel macro together with the CTRL-keyYou can also specify where the Excel macro should be saved.

  • Save macro in this workbook
  • Save macro in a new workbook
  • Save macro in a personal macro workbook

Finally, you can enter a description of the Excel macro.

After you have entered all Excel macro data, Excel already starts recording the macro. Excel saves all mouse activities and also saves the keystrokes pressed.

When you’re done creating the Excel macro, all you have to do is click the button

To stop recording

actuate. The saved macros are then available to you either via the defined key combination or via the “Macros” menu.

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Last Update: May 22, 2023