EDP ​​is fast-paced, we all know that. What is brand new today will be totally outdated in three years at the latest.

 Also, there are vulnerable parts in every computer that often fail shortly after the warranty expires. Nevertheless, only very few self-employed people or companies can afford to buy all their PC equipment again and again. While the new price is always very expensive, a rapid drop in price means that the new laptop or PC system is only worth little after a short time. A resale is only worthwhile in the rarest of cases.

Therefore, many users and companies are starting to refresh their IT systems with new components. More memory, a faster graphics card, or a motherboard swap can do it make existing hardware significantly faster. The upgrade with refurbished hardware on kimbrer.de is really worthwhile. Replacement parts can be found for almost every manufacturer in order to exchange a component that is too slow or defective for a more up-to-date, new one.

It is particularly common for parts that are subject to wear and tear that give up their service after a short time. This means significant costs, not only for the client. In large companies with hundreds or thousands of servers installed in racks, the unexpected failure of individual components means a huge financial loss. Entire production processes or administrative tasks can be affected. Then act quickly asked. The spare parts must be available just in time. Manufacturers’ delivery times for new parts, which can sometimes take weeks, are unacceptable for either an individual self-employed person or a company.

Therefore, individual EDP service providers have specialized in fast, worldwide express delivery. For your company, this means: Minimizing downtimes while reducing costs at the same time. In addition, a hardware buyback ensures the reuse of obsolete data center system components and thus not only provides financial added value but also environmentally friendly recycling.


But it is not only in large companies that the exchange of individual components is increasingly being used. The end-user also benefits from what is known as upcycling. Individual new components, intelligently selected, can speed up the entire PC. A well-known “bottleneck” is, for example, the mobile Internet connection on laptops. We, therefore, recommend affected users a useful accessory. WLAN adapters upgrade the hardware and not only accelerate one device, but the entire network

. Similarly, other parts of the existing hardware can also be easily upgraded with individual components. It should be noted that a desktop tower can of course be upgraded much more easily by a layman than a notebook or an all-in-one PC. The latter should only be opened by a specialist or an experienced PC hobbyist. Individual housing parts are often glued together and then have to be opened with special tools and then sealed again. In general, a rough cost-effort calculation

should be made before every spontaneous order of computer components. There are many free tools online that can be used to test the overall performance of the system and its individual components. A totally outdated mainboard can ultimately lead to the PC not being able to benefit from new components at all. On the other hand, an upgrade of RAM and HD is almost always worthwhile.

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Last Update: May 19, 2023