Hair can get dirty very easily due to various factors, such as environmental factors such as pollution.

The hair can get dirty very easily due to various factors, such as environmental factors such as pollution, if the scalp is dry or oily, etc. These factors increase sebum production on the scalp. Be that as it may, we would all like to enjoy clean hair for longer since having to wash it again implies, in addition to time, a series of steps that can damage it more, such as drying and ironing it afterward.

If you want to make your hair last longer clean, silky, and shiny, follow the following tips from Maria Nila.

-Rinse hair with lukewarm water. Hot water stimulates the production of fat, so if you rinse your hair with warm water you will avoid adding oil to the scalp. In addition, this step is very important since you have to remove the remains of the shampoo, conditioner, and mask very well so that the hair is deeply clean.

-Use a shampoo without silicones or sulfates. Sulfates and silicones cause irritation on the scalp, thus causing dandruff and dryness. In addition, these can generate a rebound effect in terms of sebum secretion, causing the hair to get greasy faster than normal. Maria Nila shampoos do not contain these components, which is why they are an excellent option when choosing a shampoo that is respectful of our hair and that makes our hair last longer.

Hot water stimulates the production of fat, so if you rinse your hair with warm water you will avoid adding fat to the scalp.

-Clean the hair twice and without pressing. Hair washing should be gentle without squeezing the scalp as this can stimulate sebum production. Also, wash your hair twice, this will help to get rid of dirt and remove any traces of dirt that may have remained after the first wash.

-Apply the conditioner only to the ends. It is very important that when applying the conditioner it does not come into contact with the scalp, as it is a product that is too dense and much more nutritious, which is why fats can be promoted. For this, apply the conditioner from mid-lengths to ends.

-Brush from mid-lengths to ends. It is important not to brush the hair from the root, as this will spread the oil from the scalp to the rest of the hair. In addition, experts advise brushing hair at night, as this stimulates blood microcirculation, which makes hair grow healthier and stronger than normal. 

-Use dry shampoo. Dry shampoo will be your greatest ally to keep your hair clean without having to go back to the shower. It will save you from an emergency and help you save time on those days when preparing for the day is a race against time.

-Avoid touching your hair and changing it from side to side. Although it is unavoidable and you do it without realizing it, it is very important to avoid touching your hair, as this makes it very dirty and greasy because your hands are in continuous contact with dirt from the outside, food, bacteria, etc. Also, when we go out for many hours, we usually play with our hair because it ends up making us uncomfortable, so the best option would be to opt for an updo to avoid constantly touching it. 

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Beauty, Hair Care, Lifestyle,

Last Update: July 5, 2023