Years go by, and Princess Diana was and remains a style icon. She inspired people not only with her sensational fashion looks but also with her iconic short haircut.

 Have you ever wondered if Lady Dee ever wore long hair? The answer is yes! Do you want to see it?

Nature rewarded Diana with many virtues, including luxurious hair. They seemed to resist gravity – even in the humid climate of London, the Princess of Wales’s hairstyle retained volume and shape. All thanks to the density and porosity of the hair: they naturally lay well, and Lady Dee skillfully used this. She especially liked haircuts with bangs and a small practical length. And now we will show how Princess Diana looked when her hair was much longer than we are in the most famous photos. 

As a girl, Diana Spencer wore long curls – and thick bangs to her eyebrows. 

With such hair, about shoulder length, she walked until adolescence. Only the length of the bangs changed. Diana was charming, but, like many girls, she dreamed of experimenting with her appearance. For college, she cut her hair to a variation of the Cesson haircut, which, as it turned out, really suits her. 

Throughout the years in the spotlight – from the first rumors of love for Prince Charles in 1980 to her death in 1997 – Princess Diana wore blonde and short hair. 

But there was one exceptional period. In 1984, shortly after the birth of Prince Harry in September, Diana, after a long break, appeared in public with noticeably regrown curls and made a splash. The mother of two princes appeared in a soft feminine image.

Evil tongues, however, said that long hair, tucked behind the ears, made Lady Dee old. Apparently, the Princess of Wales was seriously going to get a braid – everyone who has ever tried to get out of a short haircut is familiar with these tricks with hairpins!

Few people know, but this attempt by Princess Diana to flaunt long hair caused a scandal in the august family. The strands grew so much that it became possible to put them in a high hairstyle, with which Diana appeared at the annual opening of Parliament. This is a very important event – the queen puts on a mantle and speaks before the House of Lords. 

But in 1984 things went wrong. Both the mantle and the queen, and even more so the lords, were overshadowed by Diana, who looked not just like a princess, but as a princess from a fairy tale. All the newspapers wrote about her hairstyle. The queen was very unhappy. 

This was the maximum length with which Lady Dee appeared in public. Shortly after the commotion, she cut her hair. 

And in 1990, the princess made her famous iconic pixie haircut. According to her stylist Sam McKnight, the iconic short haircut was an impulsive act. During the photoshoot, he tucked her hair into a tiara to make it appear shorter (these photos have become some of the most famous photographs of the Princess of Wales). The princess liked the result so much that she allowed McKnight to cut her hair and “give up the bad taste of the 80s.” 

The audience went crazy with delight when they saw the new image of the princess, which has become a classic. And Diana was perplexed: “Why do people always discuss my hair?”. And indeed!

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Beauty, Hair Care,

Last Update: May 29, 2023