Sometimes an experienced stylist can help even better than a plastic surgeon. Do not believe? Here are 6 examples where a simple change of image literally transformed beyond recognition.

A change of hairstyle can competently emphasize the dignity of appearance, rejuvenate and even turn into a completely different person. The main thing is to fall into the hands of a good stylist and a true professional in their field. Such magicians conjured over the hair of people from our new selection. The result is impressive!

Coloring for 5+

Competent coloring with the highlighting of strands near the face turned the heroine of our selection from a simple girl into a stylish beauty. We put the colorist of this girl with the rating “excellent!

Bright exit

A stylish haircut and coloring from blonde to a luxurious copper shade transformed this girl beyond recognition. Before going to the stylist, even she herself had no idea that she could be so bright.

Granny what do you need!

Well, this heroine is definitely the favorite of our today’s selection. She was not afraid to make a short stylish haircut and dye her hair in a delicate shade of cotton candy. And she did the right thing: from a decrepit old woman, she turned into an incredibly stylish lady.

No longer a simpleton

Yes, this girl got a luxurious mane from nature. But without a competent frame, her hair looked frankly boring and unkempt. Everything was corrected by a fashionable haircut and cool coloring in several contrasting tones.

Redhead shameless

This woman spent half her life with a blond until she finally realized that he did not paint her at all. The stylist picked her a rich red hue and a model haircut in addition. The result exceeded all expectations!

From nerd to wild

The natural shade of the hair and the absence of any form in the hairstyle clearly forgave this girl. Only after a radical change in image, all their peers were finally able to see what a beauty she really is!