What is known as adult acne affects men and women over the age of 20 and whose characteristics and treatments are different from those of adolescent acne.

Acne has become one of the main causes of dermatological consultation. The use of masks and the stress of everyday life have increased this type of consultation, not only in adolescents but also in adults. What is known as adult acne affects men and women over the age of 20 and whose characteristics and treatments are different from those of adolescent acne.

Dr. J. Ramón Ferreres, the dermatologist at the Clinic of Dr. Mercè Campoy, has presented a decalogue with the essential points to treat and prevent adult acne.

  1. “Pimples should never burst”. We must bear in mind that bacteria spread and as a result the skin becomes infected, forming scars.
  2. Seek a correct hormonal balance through a medical prescription.
  3. It is very important to take care of the skin, washing it morning and night with a specific soapy product, and avoiding those cleansers in oils or oils.
  4. Hair also influences acne. Keeping your hair and scalp clean and trying to keep your hair off your face is important as any oil or grease that comes into contact with your skin and clogs overactive, overactive sebaceous glands or causes excessive sebum production will aggravate acne.
  5. Avoid cosmetic care, moisturizers, and greasy makeup. Use specialized formulas for each type of foot
  6. Include some type of retinol in our routine.
  7. Stay hydrated.
  8. Follow a healthy and balanced diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, fish, and legumes. Avoid eating processed foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar.
  9. Avoid stress and emotional disorders.
  10. Go to the dermatologist to send us a treatment depending on each type of skin.