The CORE WEB VITALS are metrics that help us improve the user experience, we explain how to improve it

Undoubtedly, this summer Google has put all the SERPS warm again, this time it continues to focus its optimizations on improving the user experience, for this it has released a series of metrics based on the Core Web Vitals .

The Google update took place in May, although Google has confirmed that it will last until the end of August, so the movement will be constant during these months, remember that the CORE WEB VITALS is one more ranking factor and not the only one, but if it is essential to work on it technically since there are currently more than 200 SEO factors that affect the ranking of a web page.

Sometimes the simplest is the best solution

In the end, the way Google classifies pages is based on patterns in the way users interact on our website, these patterns can be positive or negative. Let’s take an example of a negative pattern, if a user arrives at our website and leaves instantly, without scrolling, without interacting, it would be negative.


As we have explained to you, the CORE WEB VITALS are factors that condition the experience on the page, Google in May 2020 announced its launch for 2021 as a web positioning factor.

The 5 ranking factors that evaluate the user experience would be:

The 5 ranking factors that evaluate the user experience would be:

  • Full compatibility with mobile devices.
  • HTTP
  • Secure browsing.
  • Navigation without pop-ups.
  • Core Web Vitals

Web Vital cores are divided into several metrics:

  • LCP, a load of the main element.
  • FID, time until the web can interact.
  • CLS, elements that do not move during the load.

We can see these metrics in SEARCH CONSOLE in the Main Web Metrics section, there we will see all the indexed URLs and Google will classify them based on whether they need improvement or if they are fine, in this way we can find patterns and be able to correct the deficiencies.

Why are Core Web Vitals important?

The most obvious reason why you should work on these factors is that it will improve your results in the SERPS, the other equally or more importantly is that your users will have a more pleasant user experience, and if we focus on electronic commerce we can understand that each Improved user experience has an immediate effect on sales.

LCP, First Contentful Paint

The LCP metric has to do with the speed of the web page, the speed with which it loads the main element, be it image or text. It is the time it takes for the web page to load until the user can interact with the web page.

How to improve the PCL?

We give you a series of essential tips to try to improve the LCP

Enhance images

  1. It is advisable to optimize the images of the online store and seek to make them as light as possible, you have programs that perform this function or even libraries that are applied on the server and do it automatically.
  2. Optimize the size of images and avoid scaling, use the sizes that are actually going to be used on each device, for example, a slider, it is advisable to load one slide for mobile and another for PC.
  3. Search for those elements that have a great impact on the LCP, if necessary and it is not possible to optimize them, eliminate them or look for other alternatives.
  4. Use asynchronous loads to load images, for example with Lazyload we can load product images as the user scrolls.
  5. In the event that your website is in several languages, you can consider the use of a CDN, in this way you will optimize the loading of content from the point closest to the user.

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Last Update: May 18, 2023