Brigitte Macron became a truly public person already at a fairly mature age. Therefore, almost no one knows exactly how the wife of the President of France looked in her youth.

 We found archival footage of the first lady and immediately wanted to show them to you.

Brigitte Macron began to actively appear in the public field after 2017 when her young husband Emmanuel became President of France – at that time the first lady was already over 60 years old. Now we regularly see new photos of the wife of the French leader in the press: she is always stylishly dressed, perfectly styled, and always smiling.

It became interesting for us to see what Brigitte was even before she met Macron. On the Web, you can find quite a few black and white shots in which the future first lady appears very young. When we saw one of these pictures from 1975, in which young Brigitte poses with her first child, we hardly recognized her. Take a look at this photo for yourself: it seems to us that the first lady can only be identified on it by a kind smile, which has not changed over the years.

It is hard to believe that at the moment this picture was taken, Emmanuel himself had not yet been born. They first met only in 1993: at that time, Brigitte was already 40 years old. She taught literature, and Emmanuel attended these classes and was a classmate of her daughter.

Macron says he fell in love with Brigitte at first sight. At first, she resisted the charms of a young admirer, but in 1994 she gave in – and this is how their secret romance began. Husband Brigitte, in a marriage with whom three children were born, was furious when he found out about this connection. He gave Brigitte a divorce only in 2006.

The very next year, Emmanuel made a marriage proposal to his beloved, which she gladly accepted. Since then, they have practically never parted: the first lady takes care of her husband at home and takes an active part in the political life of the country.

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Last Update: May 30, 2023