Eye patches have long been part of the skincare routine for many girls. True, only true beauty know this secret – and the most effective – way to use them.

Eye patches can be treated differently. Some are lazy or forget about their regular use, while others start every morning not with a cup of coffee, but with eye care. And still, others do not understand at all whether there is any effect from the patches – or is it just a procedure for a vigorous awakening. Indeed, the sense of the regular use of patches is more often seen by those girls who suffer from severe morning puffiness.

Expecting something more from patches – for example, eliminating bruises under the eyes or smoothing wrinkles – is pointless. Only cosmetologists can do this!

However, there is a way to make patching more efficient. Beauty blogger Elya Bulochka shared her unusual technique. According to the girl, such application of patches can even be compared with the lifting effect!

“Essentially, hydrogel patches are a compress: the active ingredients penetrate the tissues better due to the tight fit, and the cold relieves swelling. But the effect can be enhanced by gluing 2 pairs of patches, with the thin side towards the nose. Thus, the face is taped in the direction of the lymph flow, and the swelling subsides faster, ”Elya writes on her Telegram channel.

Elya suggests gluing the second pair of patches directly on top of the first, but with an indent so that the end of the upper patches extends beyond the eyelid area. So the fit in the center will be stronger, and the effect will not belong in coming.

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Beauty, Body Care,

Last Update: July 6, 2023