British Cara Delevingne does nothing but breaks the rules, and for that we adore her. 

The beauty top model does not hesitate to show the whole World what the skin of a person suffering from psoriasis, a chronic incurable disease, looks like. And it supports millions of people around the world!

Many celebrities refuse to artificially improve their appearance in the photo. However, it takes a lot of courage to walk the runway or the red carpet with a skin condition in the flare-up stage. Brave Cara Delevingne demonstrates it. 

Psoriasis is not curable. This is a genetic disease, the nature of which is not completely clear to researchers. It is only known that it can occur literally at any age, and periods of deterioration can literally drive a person crazy – the body itches terribly, and the joints hurt. Open psoriatic plaques are unpleasant for many – the patient may be suspected of being contagious, although psoriasis is not transmitted either through the air, through skin particles, or with clothes or underwear. 

For the first time, Cara Delevingne revealed that she had psoriasis back in 2013. She let reporters take pictures of her sore belly backstage at a Paris Fashion Week show, briefly commenting, “Yes, that’s my body.”

Cara explained that her symptoms escalate during stressful times: “It just means it’s time for me to go on vacation.”

The body of the top model is covered with whitish scars from healed plaques, but new ones do not stop appearing. 

Delevingne said in an interview that she encountered problems in her work as a model due to illness. “People put on gloves and didn’t want to touch me because they thought it was leprosy or something like that,” she admitted.

This was one of the reasons why Delevingne began to pay more attention to cinema than to modeling – it turned out to be easier for her to manage her workload and stress. 

At the Met Gala 2022 (its theme, we recall, was chosen as “Gilded Glamour”), Cara Delevingne appeared in a special costume, part of which was her psoriasis. On the red carpet, the top model took off her jacket – and appeared in front of the astonished audience topless, but in a very special way. Her nipples were covered with gold discs, and her skin was covered with gold paint – except for the areas affected by psoriasis. Their redness bizarrely harmonized with the star’s red suit…

This release of Delevingne was another message: we all have something that others may not like. But this does not mean that you should not take care of yourself – even as it is worth it! And there is nothing to be ashamed of.