True friends are everyone’s dream. You can be infinitely rich, have a cool career and a cool apartment, travel, but when you do not have a faithful friend, you become very lonely. How do you know your friends are real?

We have collected ten main signs that indicate a true friend in your environment.

1. Common interests, views on life

Common interests are very important, no matter who says what. If you and your girlfriend have neither common interests nor at least some similar views on life, it will be very difficult for you to be friends. These things are the basis for a long and productive friendship because at first, we look at people through knowledge of views on life and interests, hobbies, and other seemingly insignificant details.

2. Mutual understanding

Being on the same page with someone is also extremely important. And this is the result of the common interests of two people. You can’t be friends with someone if you don’t feel comfortable around. You can always share your point of view with a real friend, and you are not afraid that she will condemn you or will not understand you. This sign does not appear artificially: a person either really understands you, or over time it turns out that this is not the case.

3. Trust

By sharing interests and points of view, people eventually begin to trust. Look closely at your friends: to whom can you entrust your secrets? And who can you count on in a difficult period? Who has more such “trust points”?

4. Reliability

A true friend is known when help is urgently needed. A reliable friend is one who will be there not only at parties and moments of joy, but also help when you are sad or in a difficult moment. Even if she is far away, such a friend will find a way to support her in words and sometimes even in deeds.

5. Sincere support

A true friend will never say, “Well, hold on,” because he will be there to support you. Remember how your friends supported you in a difficult moment? Who “shot” with cliché phrases? And who tried to help, even if nothing depended on her?

6. Respect

You can respect someone, but not be friends. But there is no true friendship without respect. A true friend will always respect you: he will not discuss you behind your back, he will not only listen but also listen, and most importantly, he will keep his promises to you.

7. Remembers the details of life

A true friend remembers not only your birthday but also other little things – how many spoons of sugar you put in tea, for example.

8. Sincere joy

A true friend is often recognized not only in grief but also in great joy. That’s right, you read that correctly. A true friend not only supports you in trouble but also stays with you in moments of success and joy, does not envy and in fact, with all my heart, is proud of your success.

9. Lack of condemnation and control

A true friend never judges. Of course, sometimes people can’t find common ground on some questions, but a true friend is never condemned by your choice, even if she doesn’t like it very much.

The situation is exactly the same with control. A true friend allows you to be yourself without trying to “redesign” you, make you comfortable, or acceptable. Even if you stumble, such a friend will give you a hand and say “Well, sometimes it’s okay.”

10. No reason to meet

True friends write to each other or even meet just because they want to meet. No drive is required.

But when looking at your friends, don’t forget to look at your actions. Do you fall under the above points?

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Lifestyle, Relation,

Last Update: May 9, 2023