We commonly call diastasis the injury that occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles are separated excessively and the connective tissue that surrounds them is damaged.

We commonly call diastasis the injury that occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles are separated excessively and the connective tissue that surrounds them is damaged. As a result of this, the size and volume of the belly increase, which inevitably acquires a flaccid appearance. This rupture of the containment layer of our abdomen generates in almost all cases uncomfortable and dangerous umbilical hernias since the abdominal wall is not capable of keeping the viscera in position.

Alexander Pérez, the founding CEO of  Wonder Medical, tells us about diastasis and aesthetic bodybuilding, one of the most recommended solutions for this problem is if, for example, we want to avoid going through the operating room.

Every time we hear more about diastasis. The latest studies show that up to 80% of women are affected after childbirth, although in reality, anyone can suffer from it. Factors such as obesity, overweight and sedentary life influence the separation of the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis. And we are not just talking about the unsightly effect of a “split in two” abdomen, because the risks of increasing the abdomen are serious, generating umbilical hernias, digestive problems, or incontinence.

We commonly call diastasis the injury that occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles are separated excessively and the connective tissue that surrounds them is damaged.

Fortunately, abdominal diastasis can be improved and is reversible, being able to correct this deprogramming of the abdomen and achieve a flatter stomach without a pelvic floor, digestive or lumbar problems. Until very recently, the only effective solution was a surgical intervention with all the risks that it entails, but there are non-invasive alternative treatments that avoid going through the operating room, such as the 100% Spanish technique proposed by the manufacturer of aesthetic devices  Wonder Medical, consisting of subjecting the core region to a combination of magnetic and neuromuscular emissions, which help regenerate connective tissue and muscle fibers without increasing their tone.

Alexander Pérez, the creator of this technology that is already present in almost 40 countries worldwide, tells us what it achieves: “We attack the muscle weakness that causes diastasis with the same tools that the body uses but in a focused way, acting only on the motor neurons. The technique that we have created, called aesthetic bodybuilding, makes it possible to regenerate connective and muscular tissue in an effective and respectful way”.

The treatment is carried out in the cabin, without pain and in total safety, in comfortable sessions of only 25 minutes:  ”The results appear from the first week depending on the level of severity, age, and sex. Obviously, it is advisable to maintain care measures, such as not running, jumping, swimming, or lifting heavy objects, not wearing support belts, and maintaining a correct diet that helps us not to gain weight.

Last Update: July 5, 2023