This is not the first time humanity has experienced a major crisis. But we are personally facing a pandemic for the first time, and this is a serious test.

 Also, the economic crisis can knock the ground out from under your feet. According to the survey, most Ukrainians (57%) are afraid of the economic consequences of the introduction of quarantine.

But what if I told you that any crisis can be overcome using your own resources? Also, come out of it even stronger than before.

– says international coach, author of the Free Soul project Roman Kirichenko.

1. Ask the right questions

Often we do not think that the solution to the difficulties in our lives directly depends on the questions that we ask ourselves. No wonder they say: “What a question – such an answer. ” We often look for excuses for ourselves, instead of looking for solutions and acting. “Why is it so bad?”, we ask ourselves, and a number of excuses come in response – quarantine, crisis, others have it even worse, etc. It plunges into apathy, becomes fuel for our suffering, and does not motivate us to take further action. Sitting and waiting for the situation to improve by itself is not an option. Instead, you can ask yourself: “What can I do to make things better? How can I benefit myself from this crisis? What opportunities will open up for me?”  These questions have a completely different emotional background.

2. Accept the situation and act

51% of Ukrainians believe that the economic situation of their family has worsened over the past six months and 61% of respondents – have over the past month. These are the results of a survey conducted in May by the Rating group. If the crisis has already affected you personally and your family, it is important to accept the situation. No worse, no better, just the way it is. Then you can complain and feel sorry for yourself, or you can take life into your own hands and direct it in the right direction. Weigh the pros and cons, make an honest decision, and take responsibility for the consequences.

A sense of opportunity gives a surge of energy and ideas. Negative thoughts cause contraction, a feeling of hopelessness, which significantly reduces the ability to find an effective way out of the situation.

The Pareto Rule states that only 20% of all actions bring 80% of the result. It has been scientifically proven that constructive thoughts have a positive effect on human health. But if you are set on excuses and complaints, then any of your actions are unlikely to bring the desired results.

3. Make a plan

Do not rush to solve your problems in a chaotic manner. So you can waste a lot of energy and achieve nothing. Therefore, you need a plan: write down all the most burning questions first and just start solving them one by one. When you’re done, write down the next ones and close them gradually in the same way. As a result, you will see that you managed to close a lot of questions and your condition pleases you.

4. Consider fallback options

In times when stability can only be dreamed of, it is very important to know that you have a “lifeline” or “reserve parachute”. Any employee can now lose his job, many private businesses will not survive the crisis. Therefore, to reduce stress, consider additional development options. Perhaps you can take on more responsibilities in your current job to increase your income and secure your position. Or you can optimize your own business, given the realities. It is important to optimize expenses, not to make emotional purchases, and if possible, create a financial cushion. Look for opportunities, not excuses.

5. Take care of yourself

The most important asset in our life is ourselves. Take care of your emotional and physical condition. Do things that bring you pleasure, play sports, and spend time with your family – life is not just about stress and crisis.

Pay attention also to your education – it’s not a shame not to know something, it’s a shame not to want to learn.

Improve as a professional in your field, or acquire new skills and useful knowledge. Use the crisis to change your life for the better, not to become discouraged. You will succeed!