Since ancient times, bad luck has been associated with certain objects and acts that are carried out, or rather should not be carried out, on specific dates on the calendar.

They are superstitions that have passed from century to century and have endured from generation to generation, although for many of them there are variations depending on the country: Friday the 13th, some numbers that bring bad luck, etc. However, there are five things that, regardless of where you live, are believed to attract bad luck and negativity, do you know what they are? Next, from aHOWTO, we discover a list of the five most important things that cause bad luck so that you can easily recognize them and avoid putting yourself at risk. Keep reading!

Bad luck flowers and plants

Flowers are elements of nature of great beauty that, however, are not always linked to purity and good luck. Dried flowers, for example, are closely linked to bad luck, since they lack energy and it is said that the absence of flow causes them to interfere with the balance of the home in a negative way.

Surely you have ever kept dried flowers or flower petals in your home or between the pages of a book to remember special and unique moments. However, many people recommend avoiding keeping these flowers at home. This also happens with flowers that wilt or fade slowly and with artificial flowers, as they lack life.

Broken mirrors and bad luck

Surely you have heard that breaking a mirror can bring you 7 years of bad luck. This is because, over the years, broken and/or deteriorated mirrors have been one of the elements most closely linked to bad luck.

However, the manipulation and attraction of energy that a mirror can perform in your home will also depend on the specific place where it is located. It is not recommended, for example, to have mirrors in front of the bed, while many people say that the mirrors located at the entrance of a house are capable of trapping the bad energies of those who enter the home.

If you want to discover how to place a mirror in your home to attract good energies, don’t miss this article on How to orient mirrors according to Feng Shui.

Animals that attract bad luck

There are people who are animal lovers and usually have many at home. This initially does not attract bad luck, but everything changes when they are dried. It is something that some people use to decorate, especially country houses. However, there are also those who dry the pet once it has died so that it is always at home.

Whatever the reason why the animal is desiccated, the truth is that it is another of the five things that bring bad luck. As with flowers, life is gone and there is no energy.

Pero también pueden interferir en el flujo de energía de la vivienda porque queda atrapada en el animal desecado, sobre todo, cuando tienen zonas más duras como caparazones o cuernos.

La ropa y la mala suerte

En una sociedad altamente consumista, es habitual acumular grandes cantidades de ropa en casa, ya sea porque nos cuesta deshacernos de ella por motivos emocionales o porque pensamos que, en un futuro, podremos reutilizarla.

Por lo general, este gesto tan habitual no tiene porque atraer la mala suerte. Sin embargo, cuando la ropa no está en buen estado y guardamos prendas rotas o muy viejas, el flujo de la energía que fluye por las habitaciones de nuestro hogar se ve perjudicado. Esta creencia se aplica a todas las prendas de vestir, incluyendo también la ropa interior.

Decoration and objects that attract bad luck

And, when talking about five things that bring bad luck, we cannot forget certain decorative objects. Home furnishings that are black in color are often seen as very negative for a home and the people who live in it. This includes doors and furniture among many others.

On the other hand, it is also said that many ancient objects attract bad luck since we do not know where they come from and what their history is.

From aHOWTO, we hope we have helped you discover some of the objects and elements that most attract bad luck so that you can avoid them and make sure that your home is clean of negative energies. If you are interested in the subject and want to discover how to attract good luck into your life, we recommend you take a look at this article.

If you want to read more articles similar to 5 Things That Cause Bad Luck, we recommend you visit our Culture and Society category.

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Last Update: June 23, 2023