We have repeatedly reported on useful Excel functions over the past few weeks and months. Excel offers so many helpful functions that many users are not at all familiar with.

 For this reason, we would like to introduce you to another very useful Excel function today.


Perhaps you have faced the problem of wanting to know how many cells in an Excel column, row, or entire table have no content, i.e. are empty.

In order to determine the number of empty Excel cells, you do not need to write any complex functions or even VBA scripts. Counting empty Excel cells works very easily with the function


To give you an idea of ​​how this works, we have created a sample table in which a few names and their ages are entered. In our example, it looks like this.

As you can see, no age is entered in 3 of the 10 cells (Zoe, Steffi, and Paul). In order to automatically determine how many cells are empty, the formula


applied. This function counts all empty and unfilled Excel cells and returns the sum of the empty fields. In this case with the result “3”.

You can choose the range “ From Cell ” – “ To Cell ” from larger. The area can also include several columns and several rows at once.

It is therefore very easy to count the empty errors with the Excel function “COUNTERBLANK CELLS”. If you also know useful Excel functions that are relatively unknown, we would be happy to hear about them.

Finally, we have listed the most popular Excel instructions from our Windows FAQ blog for you. Maybe there is one of the other interesting topics for you.