Perhaps someone will come in handy. It will help you remember something of your own, and let something go far and for a long time, It’s a pity I don’t know the author …

“Have fun. Get off, honey! At the disco in heels above 12. At the resort in a cheeky transparent pareo. At the skating rink, bowling, bike path, and karaoke. Break away from dullness, boredom, dullness, talk about prices, and politics, and break away from the eternal hiss about “what bastards they are.” Rock out! Get your butt off the couch, off the office chair, off the leather seat. Break away from the refrigerator and greasy sandwich, empty talk, unbearable work, and bad relationships. It is difficult and scary, but you still come off, the wounds will heal, and the feeling of achievement and the unbearable lightness of being will remain.

Open up. I know that they hit soft and lively most often. But it’s not all bad, is it? You are not a soldier in a besieged city, but a woman in relatively peaceful times. Give them a chance. See, feel, recognize “one’s own, dear”. Open up to love, new acquaintances, casual flirting, and a compliment from a passerby. I’ll tell you a secret: there, inside, there is such a precious vessel. The more good in it – joy, smiles, happiness – the less bad will get. There’s just not enough room, you know? Therefore, open up and be filled to the brim with gifts, emotions, and impressions. This is wealth, and you are a treasure, you know?

Love. Not as it is written in books about relationships, but for real. Bring him coffee, scratch his heels, because he will stroke your shoulder blades, buy chocolates, put up a tent … There is no reason to weigh and change your mind three hundred times about which of us deserves what. You are not the Lord God, and you are not the guardian of justice that everyone deserves. Love in advance, without calculation and reflection, just love, and do not listen to any “women’s advice”, because love happiness is strictly individual, not collective. Custom tailoring, exclusive, personal business, if you like.

Rude. And don’t even think about it, be rude sharply, backhanded, when they step on your wings or spit in your soul. When they press your child or speak harshly about your loved one. When they are rude to your parents. Stop negotiating with terrorists, learn a couple of “killer phrases” from modern TV shows, and fight back against offenders. Because it will cost you a hundred times more to swallow resentment and shed tears of pity for yourself and your family than to feel like a bitch for 2 seconds. Put the impudent people in their place, close the topic, spread your wings, and remember: you are not one of them. You can’t do that with you. And let them know.

Give. Everything that you are not up to the point, give to someone who needs it very much. A sandwich, some money, an extra dress, an extra gentleman, if you are “not very good”, but someone is “a matter of life”, give it back. Who knows what games are being played there in heaven, feel like a good fairy, light up with the joy of another. I don’t know if your kindness will return to you a hundredfold, but the fact that at this moment you will feel wonderful is true.

Fall down. Fall into a swoon if he doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t start kissing: it’s checked, I saw such a reception in the cinema. Fall on the skating rink so that he can carry you nobly in his arms – well, who refuses to be a hero? Fall on the hill, and somersault in the snow so that he can then rub your chilled fingers. Eventually, you may become disoriented from overwhelmed feelings.

And further. Fall when it hurts and is bad. This also happens, infrequently, but it happens. I know you’re trying to keep your back and stand. Stop making yourself a terminator, don’t, fall into your sadness, to the very bottom, into a warm swamp. Stay there for as long as you need. And then – push harder – and up, towards the light. After the tears, after the pause, you want the sun again, and you know where it is. You have the right to experience and live your feelings, so fall down because you know exactly where to get up.

Lie. Husband about their kilograms and prices for cosmetics, mom about her husband and prices in stores, a child about the truth of life, a friend about her husband and his colleague. Take care of them and do not grieve in vain. “Who needs your truth?” – one famous PR man told me, and he was right. How many wonderful relationships were chopped into pieces by principled truth-seekers, but everything could have been different. After all, you are already slightly embellishing reality: your nails are not scarlet, your eyelids are not silver-beige, and your lips are not coral. Do not be selfish: take care of your beauty – take care of the beauty of relationships. Light slyness, a joke, and a mysterious smile in your arsenal are as indispensable as a bottle of your favorite perfume and lip gloss.

Rip. Old receipts, photographs, reports, and reports. Tear off relationships when unbearable, stop “healing” them and knitting with a sea knot – do you see how many knots have already been imposed? Do not overgrow with rubbish, do not, you have a long and bright life, do not drag unnecessary things around the world.

Drink. Drink for joy and sorrow. A sip of good wine does wonders better than Copperfield. Firstly, it’s tasty, fun, and even a little useful. And secondly – how many wonderful unions began under an innocent glass of champagne, how many sorrows melted away with a slight hangover in the morning! Smart and strong men sometimes “untie their ties”, and in doing so they only win. Learn from them. Look: if you allow yourself little liberty under a hop (light! The main thing is not to overdo it!) – you are forgiven, there is an excuse, “I don’t remember anything.” And if you suddenly pull out the main lottery ticket – who will figure out why you were lucky?

Sing. In the bathroom, on the road, in karaoke, in the kitchen, and in general, everywhere. Just please, learn the repertoire of something about happiness, about beautiful love, about joy, look, try. Even if they tell you about herds of bears and your ears, if the neighbors demand soundproof, and if your beloved demands amnesty, don’t give a damn, you’re not in La Scala. A good song, sung with pleasure, cooler than any mantra, and prayer sets your soul in a major way, and let music critics take care of Stas Mikhailov if anything.

Be. At an exhibition, in a museum, in a theater, in a cafe, at a city festival, on a visit, on a fishing trip, on the beach. I know that a lot of things to do and for 24 hours – your bunch will wait. You know, I read that a small child who is not stroked, not caressed, can get sick – up to critical cases. We won’t let that happen, right? Stroke yourself, give yourself discoveries, impressions, pleasures, taste the world, smell it, touch it. I don’t want you to get sick and feel underfed by the pleasures of this frantically rushing world.

Let’s hit the road. At the first opportunity. Anywhere. For the next salary, we buy you a beautiful comfortable travel case and light moccasins. And promise me that you will update them as soon as possible! Look, in addition to Christmas, Easter, and public holidays, there are 104 legal days off each year, almost a third of the year. On a journey (yes, even to a neighboring city!) the world opens up and miracles begin. Subtly hinting: all the amazing transformations with the heroines happen on the way, take at least Alice Through the Looking Glass, even Elizabeth Gilbert, Cinderella again, who dared to leave the castle and thousands more examples. If you want to change fate, change the path, the wise say. So go ahead, for a new suitcase, shoes and a new destiny.

Well, when everything is completely incomprehensible – sleep. Wake up in the morning, look out the window, sing a song, and start all over again. Every morning, every awakening, “zero karma”, forget all the bad things, and take the good ones with you on a new day. You have every right to start a new life every day.

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Last Update: June 9, 2023