In order not to write off apathy and laziness to work in the heat/frost and other reasons beyond our control, we advise you to follow the simple rules of an energetic person.

 These simple life hacks for an active life will allow you to have the strength to do your business and communicate with loved ones at the beginning of the day and by the end of it.

Cheerful morning and sunshine

Start the morning by opening the curtains wide or going for a walk. Melatonin, the hormone that causes drowsiness, decreases in the sun and natural light. Also, a decrease in melatonin reduces stress levels, improves mood and overall activity, and helps to concentrate better.  

Set your gadgets to evening mode, which shifts the colors of the monitor to the red spectrum at a certain time, for example, after 21:00. There are even dedicated apps like f.lux that turn on the evening screen after sunset for your location. This allows the body to release more melatonin, improving the quality of sleep. 

Nutrition and your energy

The second basic tip concerns nutrition. Yes, a hackneyed topic, but, nevertheless, the worse your diet, the more energy is spent on the issue of saturation of the body. 

Start your day with a good breakfast. In the morning, choose protein-rich foods such as eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, and nuts along with complex carbohydrates. Make food preparations from the evening, for example, pour the yogurt over oatmeal and put nuts in a prominent place.

A quality breakfast will prevent severe hunger at 11-12 in the morning, as it happens if you eat only simple carbohydrates in the morning. In addition, protein helps to concentrate and be productive. For snacks during the day, also choose protein foods – this will help you feel active at work and at home.

Eat mindfully. Overeating depletes energy – it goes to digesting food.

Physical activity

Everyone knows about the benefits of sports and exercise outside. Start small. At the moment of the day when you feel a loss of energy – go outside and take a walk. Brisk walking, sunlight, and fresh air will perfectly invigorate you. All this will positively affect the hormones of joy, the immune system, and the metabolism in your body.

Limit caffeine in your diet

Caffeine is a stimulant with a short-term effect and after a burst of energy, you will feel a sharp decline. Over time, the body requires more caffeine for the same effect, thereby increasing feelings of anxiety, stress, and blood pressure. 

Don’t drink coffee automatically. Habit reduces the effectiveness of caffeine as an invigorating component of the drink. But, if you drink coffee strategically when you need to concentrate, then this drink will help cause a surge of energy.

Develop a culture of coffee consumption: drink long, drink coffee with water, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, and take breaks between the first and second cups of coffee.  

Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bed. FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) data show that the peak effect of coffee is observed within an hour after its consumption and retains up to 6 hours after. Important: caffeine is not only in coffee but also in tea. 

Water and your energy

Drink more water – activates metabolism, satisfies hunger, improves complexion, and removes toxins, which is the prevention of many diseases. As a result, saving not only your money but also energy.

Fatigue can often be caused by dehydration. Doctors recommend drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Keep a large water bottle handy and drink a glass of water before every meal.

Daytime sleep

If you are one of those people who tends to fall asleep after dinner, take a nap during the day if possible. A short 20-30 minute nap will help you recharge and be more alert for the rest of the day. Perhaps a longer lunchtime nap could have the opposite effect and unsettle you. Also, late and deep sleep at lunch will prevent you from falling asleep on time at night.

Take vitamins

Nutritional deficiencies and general fatigue can be corrected with a daily multivitamin. Iron deficiency and anemia often lead to excessive fatigue. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and take the vitamins and supplements that he has prescribed.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is not only bad for your health, but it can also make you tired during the day. Like caffeine, nicotine can also cause you to run out of juice once this stimulant wears off. wrote about easy ways to quit smoking.

Alcohol and fatigue

Drinking a glass at night will lower your energy in the morning, as alcohol consumption before bed impairs the quality of sleep. It is better to limit yourself to one glass in the early evening.

Rest and night’s sleep

  • It is important to get enough sleep. Sleep rate: 6-8 hours. Significant deviations disrupt concentration, bring mood swings, and cause stress. 
  • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Establish calm habits that will help you unwind at the end of the day. Consider a warm bath, relaxing activities, meditation, and reading a book.
  • Reduce “blue light” in the evening. This applies primarily to smartphones, laptops, and iPads. Swap gadgets for a book before bed.
  • Air out your bedroom at night. The optimal temperature for sleeping is 18.5ºC.

Energy and work 

Bring constant important tasks to automatism – this will save energy for their solution.

Watch when you are most productive – this will be your biologically best time. Then, based on this, plan your schedule.

Don’t forget about breaks – they recharge, make us more active and protect your health at work. Be mindful of the temperature. The most productive office temperature is 21-22ºC. 

Influence of mood

Lower your expectations – this allows you to relax and be more confident. Simply put, energy is not wasted on suspended attention to certain things. 

Reduce the number of negative thoughts that “eat up” your energy. This can be done by remembering three things every day for which they are grateful. 

Strive for minimal conflict. Surprisingly, psychologists believe that the average level of conflict and stress makes a person the most productive.

Invest in stress reduction strategies that actually work (sports, music, reading, walking, meeting friends, hobbies).  

Realize that those around you don’t really care. This will free you from investing internal resources in proving, bragging, and self-blame. This understanding will make you freer and allow you to focus on what is important to you right now.