Remember what your childhood was like. Wouldn’t you like your mother to say sweet words more often? Really, did it happen
Now, mom is you. And your baby, perhaps, feels exactly the same as you once did – at his age.

[dropcap]1[/dropcap]“Love you even when…”

“…you are angry”, “…we are quarreling”, “…I am in a bad mood” – continue depending on the situation. If the situation is tense, these words can return the conversation to a peaceful course. The main thing is that the child understands: you love him unconditionally, completely, and irrevocably.

[dropcap]2[/dropcap]“What a great idea you came up with!”

Praise helps you believe in yourself. But here there are nuances. Statement – “Wow! Well, well done!” – can deprive the baby of interest in what is happening, an incentive for development. He will reasonably decide: “I’m doing everything right, I’m done well.” Psychologists advise adding: “You see, the more you train, the better it comes out.”

[dropcap]3[/dropcap]“I was interested in playing with you”

Tell us what you liked so much, mentioning the achievements of your “partner”. It only at first glance seems that the fun fuss is devoid of any meaning. By playing together, you at least show the child that communication with him is important to you. And by confirming it out loud, you enhance the effect: there is every chance of becoming real friends.

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Family, Lifestyle, Relation,

Last Update: May 12, 2023