Burnout syndrome is characterized by a malfunction of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of adrenaline. Stress at work and psychological pressure entail hormonal imbalance.

, which of course affects our health. To begin with, let’s conduct a mini-test and check whether things are really that bad.

Andrey Mashkov, the psychologist, a specialist in eating disorders, and author of the books “Youth”, and “And captured by food”, analyzes the problem of burnout syndrome in more detail.

So, read the following statements and answer them yes or no.

  • I don’t feel rested even after a good night’s sleep.
  • Lately, I’ve had headaches and migraines.
  • I suffer from insomnia and cannot fall asleep even after a hard workout or a busy day at work.
  • I notice constant irritability behind me.
  • It’s hard for me to concentrate and I feel like my memory is getting worse.
  • I want to sleep during the day and feel sleepy.
  • I have muscle pain for no reason.
  • I feel overwhelmed and often in a bad mood.

If you answered yes more than four times, you may suspect that you have chronic fatigue syndrome. What to do to help yourself on your own, before you see a doctor?

We enrich the diet.

Chia or flax seeds

Also, consult with your doctor regarding vitamin complexes. Vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium, and supplements based on Rhodiola and ginger are good in the fight against chronic fatigue.

Incorporate rest into your daily to-do list.

If the vacation is not planned, it may not happen to you. Set a reminder on your phone and be sure to take 15-20 minutes a day to relax. Meditate, go for a massage, and take a relaxing bath. As the basis for the bath, you can use sea salt, soda, and essential oils.

Organize your life.

Chaos and disorder are always stressful. Remember that state when you can not find the keys to the house while being late for a meeting. Organization of space at home and at work and at home will help you to be less nervous. It’s also great to review your regimen, go to bed on time, and take a daily walk in the fresh air.

If you feel that you are exhausted, stop for a while, take a breath, gain strength and let life shine with new colors.

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Last Update: May 29, 2023