We cannot affirm that the practice of sport is a direct cause for the skin to age prematurely.

Does the skin age because of playing sports? We are faced with one of the most frequent doubts or myths about the practice of physical exercise. It is true that there are cases of athletes (especially in the running field and in aerobic sports) who show an aged epithelial appearance and, therefore, there is a more or less established belief that directly relates premature aging to physical exercise but is this 100% true?

Absolutely not. We cannot affirm that the practice of sport is a direct cause for the skin to age prematurely, although it is true that there is a relationship when the intensity of our training is extremely high or when we carry out an excess of physical exercise for our body.

We cannot affirm that the practice of sport is a direct cause for the skin to age prematurely.

How does an excess of sport affect the skin? When we exercise, there is a loss of body fat that, logically, is reflected in the process of burning calories. The problem arises when we carry out training that exceeds the capacity of our body and our physical background. By sweating excessively, we not only lose water (promoting dehydration of the tissues), but we also lose mineral salts that can irritate the most superficial layer of the skin, weakening its external acid mantle. This leads to the demineralization of tissues, making them more vulnerable to factors such as chronological aging, free radicals, and UV radiation.

For this reason, it is transcendental that we do not expose our body to intensive training that exceeds our limits, so as not to encourage possible premature epithelial aging.  Anna Rovira, director of  Outback Nature’s Pharmacy SLU (owner of the Kyrocream brand), highlights the keys to keeping an athlete’s body at its maximum level: ”Rest and not train more than necessary, giving the body time to recover and assimilate the workload. It is highly recommended to apply post-workout cold effect gels, as they help to recover muscles and ligaments optimally, providing comfort and muscle relaxation”. 

Similarly, it is very important to dedicate a stipulated period to stretching in order to achieve the greatest possible strength and flexibility in muscles and joints. To achieve the best results, apply Kyrocream Sport Ice muscle recovery and cold effect sports gel at the end of your training sessions and sports competitions, a product that contributes benefits such as: recovering and reducing fatigue after physical exercise and facilitating muscle recovery. It generates an intense and prolonged cold effect in the area of ​​application; its vapors favor nasal ventilation and comprehensive relaxation, and reduce swelling caused by sprains or strains thanks to its natural ingredients.