Tuesday, August 25, Google announced the launch of the new AdSense reporting page. It “will enable publishers to make decisions about how their business grows by providing insights and insights into monetization performance, audiences, and content,” the company said. 

The transition process to the new AdSense reporting system will take 1-2 weeks. Publishers will switch to the new interface automatically. However, until the end of 2020, it will be possible to return to the old reporting mode at any time using the slider at the top of the page.

What the new AdSense reporting page will look like

Pros and cons of the update

Key benefits of the update:

  1. Ease of use. Google has redesigned the interface, making it much simpler and more convenient. Also, the developers have removed indicator families and added a new indicator selection function;
  2. Improved visualization of reports. Charts are integrated with their tables and allow you to visually evaluate the dynamics. Each data series now has a control that allows you to display it on the chart with one click;
  3. Mobile adaptation. Google has optimized the new reporting page for mobile devices. This means that all functionality is also available from smartphones;
  4. More support. The new report has built-in help. You can hover over the information icons in the interface for an explanation of the metrics.

On the downside, it’s worth noting that Google has limited reporting data for the past three years for all AdSense products. With the exception of billing and payment data, he also removed all AdMob and YouTube reporting data. According to the company, this innovation will make reports more accurate. At the same time, old data can still be downloaded from the old or new reports page, where it will be available until the end of 2020.

The Future of Adsense

More updates to the AdSense API in 2021 include more parameters and alerts. Google will prioritize enabling publishers to get more insight from the data they already have by contextualizing report data with suggestions.