In the age of body positivity, we constantly hear only advice on how important it is to accept and love yourself. Everyone is making such calls today:

from psychologists to life coaches. To achieve this goal, it is enough for someone to simply take a different look at the features of their appearance or change their usual hairstyle. For others, plastic surgeons are finally helping to gain self-confidence. In our new compilation, you will find 5 real cases where a small intervention helped people completely change the way they feel about themselves and life in general.

Today, plastic surgeons help not only deal with the consequences of terrible accidents or correct some congenital pathologies. Very often, it is with the light hand of a doctor that people with certain features of appearance finally gain self-confidence and sincerely fall in love with their new reflection in the mirror.

Almost most often, plastic surgeons are treated for rhinoplasty. Someone goes under the knife to remove the hump or narrow the wings of the nose that are too wide, others only slightly correct the tip. The results of such interventions, as a rule, exceed all expectations: after rhinoplasty, people radically change and start a new life – without the previous complexes and doubts about their own attractiveness. 

No, in no case do we urge you to go under the knife and not say that plastic surgery will instantly solve all problems. However, some people just need it. For example, the heroines from our today’s selection were finally able to believe in themselves only after the magical intervention of a plastic surgeon.

Do you believe this photo is of the same person? That’s what we were skeptical about at first. Here, the surgeons had to work hard: they not only removed the hump but also completely corrected the tip of the girl’s nose. But the result was worth it – now our heroine can at least go to the model!

Here is another example of a radical transformation after rhinoplasty. By nature, this girl got a powerful hooked nose and even a strong hump. The painstaking work of plastic surgeons has done its job: now the heroine of our selection can boast of a truly doll-like appearance. 

These two photos before and after the nose correction seem to depict two different girls. Unbelievable, but true: only one high-quality operation can change beyond recognition. In this case, the doctors only made the naturally pointed tip of the heroine’s nose more accurate and corrected the back. 

This girl also underwent a similar operation. With the new shape of the nose, other features of her face began to look completely different: the chin, cheekbones, and lips now gained expressiveness and clarity.

The final heroine of our selection also clearly did not regret that she once decided on rhinoplasty. Initially, she did not have serious problems with her nose, but after a careful correction of the tip, she clearly became even more beautiful.