It is generally accepted that people “seize” stress. However, scientists from the Dutch Maastricht University conducted an experiment during which they proved that overeating can also provoke positive emotions.

A group of volunteers of 87 people was selected, the criteria were: eating habits and mental health. Then the participants of the experiment were shown videos that were supposed to evoke either positive or negative or no emotions. For example, for the films “Mr. Bean” and “When Harry Met Sally”, the subjects gave a positive response, and for the execution scenes – a sharply negative one, at the same time, the documentaries did not cause any particular reaction.

After each viewing, participants were given high-calorie snacks and their calorie intake was measured. It turned out that after the comedies, people ate more and more high-calorie foods, while after the unpleasant video, there were no cases of overeating. Scientists have found another feature: experiencing positive emotions, the participants in the experiment preferred to eat in the company. From this, the experts concluded that “social overeating” (in the company) is provoked by positive emotions. While because of negative emotions, people prefer to eat alone.

In any case, overeating is associated with emotions (up to 75% of cases) and eating disorders.

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Last Update: May 16, 2023