Irina Zaitseva, Deputy Director of the School of Lady Reality ” Vidpatsanki to Panyanka ” (New Channel), spoke about three practices that will help you accept yourself

Many women experience negativity when looking at themselves in the mirror. They do not like their facial features, body, or even actions. But such rejection reflects badly not only on them but also on their attitude towards others and the world as a whole.

Self-love is the basis of both self-development and a positive attitude towards the world,” says Irina Zaitseva, coach and deputy director of the Lady School. — There are many practices, using which we can saturate ourselves with unconditional love. The most important thing is regularity. It can be compared with playing sports: at first we put a lot of effort to achieve the desired result, and then it remains only to keep fit.

So how do you love yourself for who you are? Without plastic, suspenders, and any complaints about your past. The Deputy Director of the School of Lady in the reality show “From the Toddler to the Lady” identified three practices designed to help.

Practice 1: Write Yourself a Letter to the Past

If we carry resentment against ourselves in our hearts, then there can be no question of any happiness, do you agree? Write yourself a letter to the past, in which you forgive yourself for what you consider mistakes and for which you feel guilty. You will feel lighter, you will feel a surge of strength, enthusiasm, and joy in life.

Practice 2: Thank Yourself

To always remember what a great guy you are, start a gratitude diary – every night write down what you want to thank yourself for on that particular day. 3-to 5 points will be enough. In order not to forget what exactly you are great at today, you can make notes to yourself during the day when you feel that you have done something for which you can praise yourself: “I decided to walk to the metro on foot instead of lazily taking a minibus.” It is important to thank yourself for big and small achievements.

Practice 3: Treat Yourself Every Day

Very often we cannot get what we want because of our internal conflicts when we do what we do not want at all. Instead of pleasing ourselves, we spend energy on existing in a state of conflict. Start by making a list of what brings you joy, what you enjoy. And then do at least one item from the list every day. The list must include at least 100 items!

Practice 3: Treat Yourself Every Day

Very often we cannot get what we want because of our internal conflicts when we do what we do not want at all. Instead of pleasing ourselves, we spend energy on existing in a state of conflict. Start by making a list of what brings you joy, what you enjoy. And then do at least one item from the list every day. The list must include at least 100 items!