Do you dream of love and various love adventures? Haven’t been on a date in a while? Here is a list of precious and semi-precious stones that attract love. Various stones and crystals are a new trend that has become popular in the West and then in our country, in the last two or three years. There are many pebbles and crystals that help from this or that trouble, or for certain desires.

Dealing with them is not so easy, which is why on Valentine’s Day we decided to open this issue from the side of amorous affairs. Here is your guide to stones and crystals that attract love.

Be careful. Stones and magic will not work just like that, on their own. No one will love you crazy if you just put rose quartz in your pocket. But it is believed that such crystals will help you open up the energy of love.

Well, now let’s move on to the stones for love.

1. Rose quartz

Rose quartz has fantastic abilities to help in love and romantic adventures. Even this stone looks very romantic. Rose quartz opens your heart to love, understanding, tenderness. You will become more caring, you will understand others better, and you will also be able to find a way out of the crisis in relationships.

If you are going through a difficult breakup, you should wear rose quartz jewelry to soothe inner pain and longing, heal a broken heart.

2. Hematite

Hematite is a stone that attracts new meetings and unexpected romantic acquaintances, adventures. It gives self-confidence, optimism raises the level of your charisma. If you are timid, hematite will give you courage. If you are embarrassed to meet someone or are stuck in your social circle and want to meet a man outside your axis, you should carry a piece of this crystal in your pocket.

However, be careful – hematite tends to “age”, so it’s worth changing the pebble.

3. Lapis lazuli

If you want to take your relationship to a new, more serious level, we recommend wearing lapis lazuli jewelry. This mineral helps to strengthen emotional ties with others, build relationships, become attached and attached to oneself. Lapis lazuli will help with motivation: you will stop being afraid of responsibility and become more honest with your lover. Just like he is with you.

4. Kunzite or spodumene

Self-love is also love. Therefore, a pendant with kunzite, a bracelet, or beads made of this material will help you accept yourself. It calms the complexes, opens the heart towards itself. Of course, this crystal will not help you instantly love yourself, but it will motivate you, allow you to look at yourself in a new light.

5. Monganocalcite or pink calcite

This is another stone. It is pale pink in color and carries the vibrations of true, absolute love. Its energy is much softer than that of Rose Quartz. It helps to fill the heart with love if your heart is broken. Soft energy will slowly and gradually give your soul first peace, and then subtle and tender love.

6. Carnelian or carnelian

This is a stone that increases sexual and creative energy, increases vitality. If you wear jewelry from this stone, your energy level will become sexually attractive.

If you and your lover have problems in bed, you should wear a carnelian talisman or hang it over the bed, and then everything will gradually begin to improve. Of course, if you two take action.

7. Aventurine

This stone will help you open your heart towards love. In addition, it will allow you to dispel gloomy thoughts and attitudes, so it is perfect for those who have experienced a painful separation.

In addition, aventurine helps to find something new, he patronizes those who seek to have a passionate holiday romance.

8. Malachite

If you have habits that interfere with love, or no one can get along with you, the best love stone for you is malachite. He supports those who are looking for love and wants to become better.

9. Chrysoprase

Inspires to communicate with loved ones and with a partner. If you have problems with communication, it seems to you that there is nothing to talk about, you should wear chrysoprase jewelry more often. It will reveal the energy of communication, conversations.

10. Black kyanite

Opens eyes to the true face of the beloved. This stone helps you get away from a toxic lover and find another, good boyfriend. In addition, black kyanite helps to deal with binding and love charms. The one who wears this stone, no one can fall in love with himself with the help of magic, even the most powerful.

By the way, this pebble will help you if there are suspicions that they are trying to bewitch your beloved.

11. Rhodonite

A stone that will help forgive and ask for forgiveness. If you often quarrel, this stone will help you resolve situations calmly and without ora foolishness. To do this, you need paired jewelry for him and for her.

12. Ocean Jasper

This stone sends a message: “If you don’t love yourself, no one will love you.” It helps to feel confident, desirable, beautiful, and the best. And your confidence will bribe your husband and make him fall in love with you even more.

13. Golden quartz

A relative of rose quartz helps to control oneself during quarrels. If you are lashing out at loved ones and at your lover, meditation with golden quartz will help regulate conflicts.

14. Rainbow Obsidian

Helps those who are going through a difficult breakup or betrayal. To recover from these events, a talisman of iridescent obsidian will help. It cleanses and removes accumulated negative emotions inside.

15. Sunstone or feldspar

Sunstone attracts people to you, makes you sociable and sexy. You will feel your desire.

How do you attract love?

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Lifestyle, Love,

Last Update: May 9, 2023