Are you celebrating Valentine’s Day alone? Do not worry! It is better to conduct special love rituals and rituals that will help attract your loved one. On Valentine’s Day, the energy of love magic is especially strong, so happiness will certainly knock on your door!

All rituals, rituals, and prayers for Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day are certainly associated with love. The energy of this holiday is such that neither financial, family, nor any other magic, except for love, will be effective on this day.

All over the world, people experience strong feelings on Valentine’s Day – some are happy that a loved one is near, others are upset by loneliness and despair from unrequited love, and still, others hope to win the heart of a loved one on this day. Like it or not, all these feelings are connected precisely with love and passion. Together, they create a huge amount of spiritual energy with which you can achieve your love goals.

Valentine’s Day – Prayers for Love

What prayers are there to find your love?

Strong prayer for love

This prayer is read-only once a year – on February 14, on the day of memory of St. Valentine. Before a lit candle at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, say the following words 14 times:

Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ Himself, I return and strengthen life and love. To have such a pure life, like a servant of God (name) with a servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is such a very ancient belief: the person who makes this interesting ceremony, in any case, gains the love and patronage of St. Valentine for the whole coming year.

Valentine’s prayer for love

This is the strongest prayer to the patron saint of this day – St. Valentine:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord, hear my prayer! Through your saint, through St. Valentine, I appeal to you! Thank You for Your Gifts, for Your Gift to us – for St. Valentine! Saint Valentine, pray for us! Pray for us sinners to be merciful, filled with love and tenderness for our neighbors! Pray for us, Saint Valentine, for it was you who received a special gift from God: you are remembered, your day is the day of Love, joy, laughter, love in many countries of the world. So that on Your Day, we once again remember that the Lord is Love. And Love and Tenderness filled our hearts and souls! Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Valentine’s Day – a conspiracy to love on earth

This ancient love ritual was performed by our grandmothers. If you doubt the strength of the feelings of a loved one, you are afraid of his volatility and windiness, try to perform this ceremony, calling for help from the forces of Earth, Water, and Fire.

On the morning of February 14, you need to go out into the yard, into the garden, or somewhere where you can stand on the ground. Bring a cup of water and a candle with you. Light a candle and repeat loudly:

Strong as earth,
Pure as water,
Hot as a candle,
May my love be with (name).
On that I stand,
for that I drink water,
I swear on fire!

Then drink the water and quickly pass the palm of your right hand over the flame of the candle.

Valentine’s Day – Secret Valentine’s Day

This is another ancient rite to attract love. If you are secretly in love with someone, and the object of your feelings does not know about it, send him an energy signal on Valentine’s Day.

Make a “secret valentine”: on a piece of paper or on a postcard, state your feelings for the chosen one. While writing, think constantly about your loved one and about those sincere feelings that live in your heart. The success of the conspiracy and the strength of the rite depends on the sincerity of your feelings. When the valentine is ready, you need to light it from the flame of a candle and read this slander:

The letter of love will burn –
It will fly to the beloved.
His soul will unravel,
His eyes will turn to me.

After that, put the smoldering “valentine” on a white saucer, and let it burn to the ground. If the “secret valentine” cannot burn out on its own, but only turns black, then your feelings are not strong enough, and they will not cause reciprocal love. If burned completely, mix the ashes with a handful of grain or bread crumbs and scatter in the yard in front of a flock of doves. At this point, you need to say the following words:

Doves of heaven!
Grains-crumbs swallow
Yes, rather fly to the sweetheart.
Fly up to his window
Yes, give my news.

It will be a good sign if the pigeon peck at the grain. Expect your loved one to pay attention to you soon!

Valentine’s Day – Love Sealing Ritual

For those who are married or just dating a loved one, there are rituals to consolidate and maintain union and happiness. They are performed at the festive table.

So, invite your soulmate to a romantic candlelight dinner – fire is the main source of energy. When the candles are already lit, the following is imperceptible to your beloved whisper:

With whom I now sit at the table,
With that I will never part.
Will only love me,
Will only want me
At others and not look!
The candle will burn, and love will flare up!

And, as if by chance, extinguish one candle by dropping wax on your handkerchief. The candle can then be lit again, and keep the handkerchief in a secret place: as long as a drop of wax is on it, the conspiracy will be valid.

Valentine’s Day – Rite of Love Spirits

Put a bottle of your favorite perfume on the table in front of you, and on both sides – 2 lighted red candles. Concentrate and gently stroke the bottle with your fingertips, as the most precious and beloved being. After a while, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers – this is your energy charge being transferred.

Call up in your thoughts the image of a loved one and send these feelings to a place where there are pre-prepared perfumes. Remember, the aroma of perfume, without a doubt, you should like it. Then say firmly and confidently: “Love is always with me!”

Now, as soon as you apply this perfume, your power of attraction will increase many times over, the vibes of love will spread from you in all directions, and the chance to meet your man will increase many times over.

Valentine’s Day – love signs

  • Even birds on February 14 find a mate. So look up into the sky and try to find a couple of birds there. What they will be – so will the future husband. If these are titmouse, the betrothed will be cheerful, young and kind. If the crows are, on the contrary, aged and strict, if the magpies are talkative and frivolous, etc.
  • If a married woman on this day throws a bouquet of flowers into a pond that is not ice-bound and prays to the sky, a long-awaited addition to the family will happen soon.
  • If on this day a couple in love takes a mutual oath of allegiance, no temptations can destroy this union.
  • Marriage on Valentine’s Day – to a long and happy life together.
  • If on this day you broke a mirror, this is a special sign of happiness. It means that sincere love or even a long family life awaits in the future.
  • If on February 14 you left the house and forgot to take something, for example, keys, a bag or a phone, then this is also a sign of happiness. Wait for good news from your chosen one!
  • If you received more than 10 valentines and other gifts from your loved ones, then soon your life will change for the better.
  • If the first person to call you on this day is your loved one, then all year, until the next Valentine’s Day holiday, you will be inextricably linked with this person
  • If you are late for something that day, your love will be late too.
  • If you received less than 5 valentines on this day, don’t expect a wedding this year. But if you bestow your loved ones and loved ones with holiday cards and gifts, then love will certainly return to you threefold.
  • If you stumbled on this day, unrequited love or parting with a loved one awaits you. To avoid this, stamp your left foot three times on the place where you stumbled, then the power of superstition will not affect you.

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Healthy Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Love,

Last Update: May 9, 2023