Carrying out a diet without giving up trying is almost an impossible mission; in fact, 8 out of 10 people who start a diet abandon it.

Carrying out a diet without giving up trying is almost an impossible mission; in fact, 8 out of 10 people who start a diet abandon it.

However, there are some tips and habits that will help you stay committed and meet your weight loss goal. The Naturadika team tells us.

1. Weight loss mindset: It’s a life-changer. Most diets tend to pursue the goal of losing weight in record time. There are many people who want to lose the weight they have gained in weeks or even years in a few weeks, however, to lose weight and not regain the lost weight, motivation is needed.

Maintaining a balanced diet and training regularly requires discipline and willpower. It is precisely these two attitudes that allow us to continue advancing when motivation is not the engine. Commitment is another key to losing weight and not giving up trying. The goal of losing weight is to feel better about yourself, not compare yourself to anyone.

2. Positivity. In this lifestyle transformation, there are advances and setbacks, which are part of the process. Psychotherapy and coaching help develop tools for how to deal with frustration and anxiety during weight loss..

Carrying out a diet without giving up trying is almost an impossible mission; in fact, 8 out of 10 people who start a diet abandon it

An excellent study by the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto revealed that among the obstacles that prevent weight loss are: lack of time to organize and plan meals; little variety of healthy options to eat at work or university; the diet to lose weight “forces” you to have to cook a different meal than the one consumed by those who are not on a diet; loss of self-control when “cravings” occur; and insufficient will and commitment to sustain dietary changes.

Keeping these factors at bay requires willpower and desire, but there are professionals and support groups that can be of great help along the path to a healthy weight.

3. Smart goals. As a publication from the University of North Dakota explains, SMART goals help us meet our goals and, in this case, the plan to lose weight and not give up.

Each letter of the word SMART has a meaning: S (specific), the objective has to be specific; M (measurable), measurable; A (achievable), achievable; R (realistic), realistic; T (time), defined in time.

4. Find allies. For example, people who accompany this lifestyle: family, partners, a friend, or a professional.

Another wonderful ally for this goal is Magrifit Flash, a 100% natural aid, ideal for starting your weight loss plan with a lot of energy and motivation. In addition, thanks to the lemon balm extract, reduces emotional hunger. It helps to lose weight as part of a general weight control plan (associating it with a balanced diet and physical activity) thanks to its triple action: it favors metabolism, and caloric expenditure and mitigates nervous hunger.

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Healthy Lifestyle, Lifestyle,

Last Update: May 25, 2023