We continue to publish materials that contribute to the personal growth and health of our readers.

 So, recently we shared tips on how to overcome the fear of public speaking and also talked about gaslighting. The topic of this material is mentoring as self-improvement.

In Europe and America, mentoring has long been a familiar part of life. But in Ukraine, for some reason, it is considered only a nascent movement. Although such an item in the resume is very much appreciated by employers.

Mentoring exists in many areas of life. From business to education. With the assistance of initiative people and companies, this form of activity can quickly become a tool to improve the quality of education itself, as well as contribute to the creation of effective social lifts and be used as a catalyst for the Ukrainian economy as a whole.

Many still believe that only students who have free time become mentors, which can be devoted to helping others free of charge. In fact, this is not entirely true. Anyone who has a desire to share experience and knowledge can be a mentor. 

In Ukraine, the trend that Western countries have been living for decades is already clearly felt. Mentoring is becoming more common in various fields and more and more prestigious. There are whole organizations that involve mentors in their activities, and this is their feature. 

Shares expert information on the topic  Alina Shcherbina, head of the volunteer network of children’s programming clubs Code Club Ukraine.

We are all now on the verge of a qualitative development of volunteering and, in particular, mentoring. Socially responsible business has become not just fashionable, but necessary in these difficult times. Large companies are aware of the importance of this approach in their work and cooperation with volunteer projects. I am sure that this interaction is the key to the sustainable development of both areas.

Alina Shcherbina emphasizes that the main thing to remember is that mentoring is not free work. This is mutually beneficial cooperation. In addition to what students receive from the mentor, the mentor also receives a number of benefits. Among them:

  • A new case for reflection, since each example of a professional path, is unique, like a student’s project;
  • Expanding the circle of acquaintances. Just as the student finds useful people with experience, the mentor himself also gets to know them
  • Improvement of organization and self-organization;
  • Development of self-discipline;
  • Studying psychology skills;
  • Transfer practical skills, and not just theoretical knowledge, towards;
  • Job benefits. Employers highly value those who have mentoring experience, as it indicates a person’s desire to develop himself and others.

Mentors who teach in the all-Ukrainian network of programming clubs for children get the opportunity to transfer their knowledge in the field of programming and IT technologies to children in different regions of the country, especially in those where parents do not have the opportunity to pay for high-end courses.

Mentoring is becoming popular among students and those who dream of changing their field of activity. Now the idea is widespread that anyone who wants not only to help but also to become a little better himself can become a mentor, through feedback and gaining knowledge and skills from colleagues.

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Last Update: May 28, 2023