Surely everyone noticed this curious phenomenon: the longer people are together, the more they become similar to each other in habits and even outwardly.

American psychologists tried to unravel this mystery: they analyzed photos of the spouses taken immediately after the wedding, and then compared them with photos taken 25 years later. In most cases, a man and a woman became similar to each other. At the same time, the happier the marriage was, the more common was found in their appearance.

The researchers put forward several hypotheses that explain this phenomenon. Probably, close people gradually begin to repeat facial expressions, habits, and facial expressions from each other. For example, if one of the partners likes to laugh, it is quite possible that he and his partner/life partner will develop “laugh wrinkles” around the mouth. But another theory deserves attention, which claims that people are attracted to partners with a similar character.

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Last Update: May 14, 2023